Hi, my name is Jeffrey Thrash. You may know me from my YouTube channel. I enjoy video games and cartoons and I like to create my own animations. Enjoy!

Jeffrey @jthrash

Age 30, Male

3D Artist

Joined on 2/4/19

Exp Points:
19,979 / 20,530
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Vote Power:
8.40 votes
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B/P Bonus:
4y 5m 21d

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I made this little cartoon in back in 2020, back when I HOPED that year would be the most anxious I would feel about an upcoming US Election. I mean, that year had COVID lockdowns, police brutality followed by Black Lives Matter protests, the rise of extremist groups like QAnon and Proud Boys, killer hornets or whatever, Final Fantasy VII Remake NOT being a faithful remake of the original...it couldn't possibly get worse than that, right...? Heh-heh...WRONG!!

I also improved at Blender 3D animation rather drastically since this video, but that goes without saying.

But yeah, if you live in the US, are over the age of 18, and have already registered to vote, remember that early voting is going on right now and to make your voice heard sooner rather than later (the last day for in-person voting is November 5th). Doubly-so if you live in a so-called "Swing State" like Mr. Fulp--stupid Electoral College, making the fate of the nation and the entire world (regarding climate change) depend on the opinions of only 5 or 6 of the 50 states.

Also, PLEASE try your best to avoid political discussion, most if not all Americans have made up their minds on how to vote in this Election since, I dunno, January of this year, and as the video above demonstrates, I get IMMENSELY stressed out by US politics as a whole, especially what it has turned into ever since, where being an absolute dickbag to more than half of the US population turned out to be a successful, winning strategy (again, stupid Electoral College overriding the Popular Vote). All I ask is that I can finally go back to the days where I can more easily ignore the pointless "culture wars"--they won't go away entirely, of course, but there's a huge difference between a "nobody" sad sack on YouTube complaining they made Angela less attractive in the Silent Hill 2 remake (that remake actually turned out pretty good, btw) and the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES causing mass shootings over his opinions on the latest overly-sanitized Hollywood and/or Disney Remake. I have already sent in my ballot, and so has the rest of my family, so it's a waste of energy to somehow change my mind after the fact, anyway.

On the lighter side, I drew a pup in my sketchbook today. Unlike the rest of the nation, my sketchbook understands me and calms me down...



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New Witch on the Bots 10 Points

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Superb! 25 Points

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So tender and mild 5 Points

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Good job 5 Points

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Shut Down 5 Points

Uh oh!

Michaelsoft Office 5 Points

"There's nobody here."

Fat Fish Aquarium 5 Points

See your new pet fish!