yo dude, i have posted a lot on the youtube shorts before, you know i do long as shit animations so i can cut them in many little pieces, got many views and subs like that, but it's a void subscription, it's like those people that hang around youtube shorts, tik tok and such are all zombies, mostly won't watch your other videos, won't comment, won't donate, won't be your customer, etc. Legacy media sucks, they rarely lie, but they manipulate the news in order to give advantage to their interests, if media got interested in trump election you surely would notice that. Also i'm not on favour of tik tok being banned or whatever, like i was not on favour of twitter/x being banned here in brazil (it did get back after election by coincidence), even though i don't use x nor tik tok and agree that such things do some bad things in society, but they're not like crack or cocaine