One point for indie movies
Hi, my name is Jeffrey Thrash. You may know me from my YouTube channel. I enjoy video games and cartoons and I like to create my own animations. Enjoy!
Age 30, Male
3D Artist
Joined on 2/4/19
One point for indie movies
This guy literally did the storyboard animatics AND rendered the final animations on his personal laptop. On a version of Eevee that is now out of date compared to the one I have now on my laptop (the older versions of Eevee did not support ray tracing and dynamic global illumination lighting, for example). I officially have no excuse now not to try to make something amazing on my own laptop, version of Blender, and more advanced version of Eevee.
Though I did watch the original short (Aqua) he made back in his high school years that eventually got remade into Flow, and compared to the crap I made in my high school years, he already seemed to have had a strong grasp on cinematography, "show don't tell," and all sorts of advantages animation has over live action or static comic images. Got some catching up to do when it comes to cinematography and taking full advantage of the animation medium, but it couldn't hurt to start NOW. Talent and skill is what separates the true artists from the wannabes, not how much you paid for your software and hardware.
Mega chad jthrash
Ha ha, yeah no, I would always and forever be the "Virgin" in this meme, no matter the context.
(Weeps in the corner for literally being a virgin irl).