My sister got me some new grayscale brush pens and a paper sketchbook for my birthday, which as you can see was a great gift! I still prefer drawing on paper, partly because I’m still too cheap to get some rougher paper-like screen cover for my iPad Pro but also because drawing on paper (as opposed to a computer app run by some Big Tech corporation desperate for my personal info) is the closest thing we can get to true private drawing these days!
Well, obviously this scanned image is no longer private now that I’m showing it to you, but you know what I mean…
that's cool my boy, i have not serioulsy drawing on paper since late 2014, once i got digital never went back to traditional, they say it ain't good, you gotta practice both, but honestly i don't miss it. But still i respect the good old traditional art, success to us brother
Not sure I heard that advice to practice both, but I think the point is to try every media you can in hopes that it inspires you when you go back to your comfort zone—like how doing 2D animation for a while gives me ideas on how I can make my 3D stuff less stiff-looking, or how 3D modeling gives me ideas on how to make my 2D stuff look more solid and believable.
Also my family keeps giving me sketchbooks every birthday and Christmas, so I have to use them if they keep giving me more either way. I don’t want those trees (or recycled paper) to die in vain.