Matterboar Animations recently paid me to do an OneyPlays Animated on their YouTube channel! Have a look!
I've been a busy boy this year, and that's saying nothing about my horrendous grocery clerk job that I am NEVER going back to because I need to make ACTUAL money at a higher-paying job if I ever want to live on my own like the adult I am, plus in every minimum-wage job I've had at this point, my co-workers, bosses and customers were art-hating fascists that made sure I had no energy or free time to pursue anything better than being miserable at a dead-end job like them!
I still have one more, even larger project to finish up early next year that is more suited to the Newgrounds audience (though it will also be available on YouTube and possibly even have short clips on TikTok, according to my director), but I think I'm going to pace myself during the Christmas festivities to spend more time with my family and watch Christmas specials, even obviously-terrible ones I'm morbidly curious about like Jingle All the Way 2 (starring Larry the Cable Guy...!). I probably won't go on a full hiatus, since every time I take a break, I rest for maybe 2 days, max, then get bored and start a more dangerously-ambitious project than the last (might try to learn RPG Maker next year), but I should definitely pace myself at the first sign of burn-out during this hectic season.
Thankfully, perhaps the main reason Newgrounds feels both friendlier and higher-quality than many other social media accounts is because it subtly discourages us all from spam-posting--I recently learned, for instance, that the moderators don't like it when people do massive Art Dumps and that's it harder for otherwise-excellent pieces to end up on the Front Page if they're part of a dump, so it's best to just upload at most one piece per week to avoid looking like you're spamming the site. That subtle friction preventing people from posting things TOO easily is obviously a good way to deter the spread of misinformation and bad art (plus possibly AI Art), but it is also very refreshing that I don't have to stress out about an increasingly-draconian algorithm and just post quality when I'm good and ready. EXCEPT THE FORUMS, of course, just some sketches at best and unproductive discussions about current events at worst. YouTube is actually fine as long as I don't have any delusions of making money off that site and just re-post Newgrounds animations or demo reels for fun.
See you again when I see you, I guess. Hopefully with that massive 2D-animated project soon...
Wait, did I just get a Happy Face from Tom Fulp?!