I still prefer Bloodborne over all the other Soulslike From Software games, although Sekiro came close at times. I think it’s just because of the LoveCraftian/Vampire Hunter D setting—From has always been amazing at art direction and background design, but the fact of the matter is that Eldritch monstrosities and Cthulhu seem a bit underutilized in gaming while the otherwise-fantastic worlds of Demon Souls, Dark Souls and Elden Ring are still just the usual Western fantasy and/or JRPG tropes I’ve seen many, many times before in games I could actually beat. As a result, I’ve had more of a desire to “git gud” and push through inevitable setbacks in Bloodborne simply because I was too curious about what freakish, madness-inducing sights I would witness next to drop the game before I fully completed it. As adult life and responsibilities eat more and more into my free time, I think having a setting that constantly piques my curiosity is just as important as good and challenging gameplay.