Is this in any way related to that picture Misato sent to Shinji at the very beginning of Neon Genesis Evangelion?
Is this in any way related to that picture Misato sent to Shinji at the very beginning of Neon Genesis Evangelion?
Coincidence probably, I don't watch that XD
These are all absolutely adorable and fantastic submissions (this one is my favorite), but you don't have to worry about uploading multiple submissions in one day. Newgrounds doesn't have an algorithm, but I've learned that lovely art such as yours will more likely get more exposure and possibly even Front-Paged if you only upload at most one picture per day, spread it out, you know? It's not like Twitter or Instagram where you have to upload faster than a Kardashian multiple times a day just to have any hope of getting your work boosted by an algorithm--take advantage of the overall-slower pace of Newgrounds!
Oh I wasn't worried, I just forgot to upload ones I liked here
I think you may want to work on the hat a bit, it looks too small for her head, but otherwise this is a solid piece!
Hehe, yeah sorry, i tried my best even using the references i know pirate hat mostly bigger tho
Edit: Thanks tho, i will make it bigger if i uh... Want to draw another pirate
You finished One Piece?
I'm a fast reader, only took me a month
If I was watching I'd barely be out of Arabasta lol
Aww, that bio is actually pretty sad. Although I’m not sure how one could be shy and still be a successful streamer, believe me, I tried. I think it’s safe to say that we all love her and her body (screw her old-fashioned parents and nutritionist doctors!), and anyone who has tried and failed to make it as a streamer on the Internet knows that is arguably a bigger accomplishment these days than simply getting a “real” job.
Hopefully Trixie helps in getting her out of the house on days off (and out of her head).
Its actually bec of simps. It kinda gives her confidence bec of the constant support. Oh and I forgot she usually uses a virtual charavter so she doesnt have to show her face.
These three look like they could be a trio in Sonic Heroes--the Blue one is the "Speed" character, the Red one looks like a "Power" character, and the green one looks more yellow-ish on on my screen like Tails, so "Flying" type, I guess.
I'm not sure why these tiny ladies are considered "thicc" according to your tags, but I guess from whatever country you're from, this would be considered "thicc." Of course, as an American (albeit perhaps the only American that refuses to eat MacDonald's, don't judge me!!), my standard for whether a woman is "thicc" is whether or not they have to turn sideways and suck their gut in just to squeeze through doorways.
idk I just did sum random designs- didnt use my braincells this time (which was nice :]) and I do only consider the middle one THICC- because- look at them thighs like O___O droolin
Why’d you marry her in the first place, Mr. Noise? Hmm?!
He didn't even ask for it
How many people will she stab with that mighty pencil?
…Why is she looking at me like that…?
Many including you, and you are gonna be the next victim
Woody Woodpecker was an American cartoon, yet it grew to be popular in Brazil and now it’s nearly impossible to find legal ways to watch Woody cartoons in the US (outside of the late ‘90’s reboot) while the little screwball continues to grow in popularity in Brazil. I want to know how that came to be (and I also just want to watch the original cartoons properly again…).
Woody was the very first cartoon to be aired on TV here in Brazil in 1950 and it's still around since then, passing in several channels through the decades, so it kinda marked lots of generations.
I believe what made him so popular here besides being aired all the time was the dubbing.
The way they dubbed it made the cartoon feel like we were really seeing a typical Brazilian character, mocking everybody and living the problems we all have sometimes, not to mention that the dubbing gave us tons and tons of memes. So yeah, we see ourselves a lot on Woody. 😄
It's the same also with El Chavo del Ocho.
I'm sure you can find the classic cartoons on those sites like KissCartoon or something lol
Hi, my name is Jeffrey Thrash. You may know me from my YouTube channel. I enjoy video games and cartoons and I like to create my own animations. Enjoy!
Age 30, Male
3D Artist
Joined on 2/4/19