Ironically, I learned "Platonic love" is used incorrectly. It sounds very romantic in the traditional sense, where Plato believed we were all once creatures with 4 arms, 4 legs, etc., but we were separated, so finding our true love is literally finding that "other half" and becoming that one single homunculus again. It even attempts to explain the existence of LGBTQA+ couples in ways ancient religions at the time, such as Christianity, didn't even bother to come up with reasons for, claiming homosexual couples are simple two halves of a body of the same gender, as opposed to the opposite gender, and otherwise no different at all from heterosexual lovers. Fascinating stuff, looking into what "Platonic Love" really is supposed to be!
This seems like a perfect explanation for PLUTONIC Love, though, and also a sick burn. Oooohhhhh...