Comparing old Foamy with new Foamy is fascinating. In the 2000s, people were too happy and complacent because the hive mind told them to be. In the 2020s, people just complain about everything without even trying to understand what they're complaining about, resulting in Foamy complaining about complaining, essentially. It's suffice to say that I prefer Foamy's newer rants. I remember when I looked up things on the Internet for FUN, and not have to mentally prepare for disappointment and disillusion in the human race just because I decided to look up stuff on the Sonic 2 beta. That said, I think you can avoid a lot of this toxicity just by learning to ignore the comments (yes, including this one). Trolls have always existed, but now websites can only make money and stay afloat if both the creators and the users deliberately feed these trolls by creating their own toxic, controversial hot-takes just to generate discussion. The easiest way we can all stop this is to not give the trolls that have taken over the Internet the attention and validation they so desperately crave.