I made a game for the Game Portal.
Why are you looking at me funny? It's the truth! I did! I made a game in RPG Maker MV and called it "ButtChrono!" If you are a fan of old-school RPGs and sardonic humor, check it out right here on Newgrounds' Game Portal!
Thank you for all the support you all gave me this year! 2022 has been a banner year for me and I'm excited about what projects I'll be able to finish and make in 2023! Hopefully this game puts you in a good enough mood to be inspired throughout the next year! Merry Christmas to those that celebrate it, and to those that don't, Happy Holidays!
You may be acutely aware as of late that there are people out there who don't see art as valid, useful, or even hard work. You may feel like there's no point in pursuing art in a world where computers can generate decent-quality projects in mere seconds, faster than any of us can even go to the bathroom or make a sandwich. You go tell those kinds of people to eat a sick snail, because I self-taught myself scripting as it applies to RPG Maker, tried and failed multiple times to upload it correctly to Newgrounds' Games Portal, watched a ton of tutorials and read a lot of forums and FAQs to get through the toughest problems, and even manually enhance each default RPGMMV sprite in a photo editor (Paint.Net, in case you're wondering) because I didn't quite like the look of the default sprites, but didn't have time to manually make new spritesheets due to my freelance animation work demanding too much time. But my ultimate reward for all that self-inflicted frustration is a game that I can truly say is MY work. Not an AI's, MINE.
It's all about the journey, not the destination. ChatGPT can only hope to make worse copies of my more unhinged jokes in ButtChrono, there's no way it could come up with this stuff on its own without human data to regurgitate from. You can't buy this sheer satisfaction and motivation that I just gave myself by making that game I always told myself I was going to make, but thought I was too dumb to be able to do. Don't deprive yourself of that massive self-esteem boost just because you're alarmed about what you're reading in the news and in art forums right now!